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A Question About Transposing

Posts: 6

There is a request on the list for He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother to be transposed to B flat.
The song appears to be in the key of G originally.
I struggle with theory, but if I understand correctly G is the relative minor of B flat.
So would i tab out the song as “normal” and then bump the whole thing up a minor third ?

Is that how that works ?


Posts: 3147
Mmmm, the way I see it is just move everything up three frets so you are in the key of B flat instead of G

…could it be that simple?
mr zee
Posts: 577
I know nothing abut music theory but yeah i'd have gone up three frets to Bb
Posts: 534
That's how I transpose songs too - just move everything up three frets so G becomes Bb. On a tab the 3 on the E string would become a 6.

The band leader for the Praise band I play in changes keys on us from time to time, usually because he changes who is singing lead on the song. I work out the bass lines on the songs without playing any open strings to make the adjustments easier.

Of course that doesn't help much when you transpose the other direction. Bb to G would just be cruel - you'd have to rework the patterns you're playing wherever you run into the nut. We did it once (D to C) and only once…
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Mmmm, the way I see it is just move everything up three frets so you are in the key of B flat instead of G…could it be that simple?

Could be, and is!
Thanks guys. =)
Posts: 3147
Of course that doesn't help much when you transpose the other direction. Bb to G would just be cruel - you'd have to rework the patterns you're playing wherever you run into the nut. We did it once (D to C) and only once…

If you were all sat waiting for the singer and Barry White walked in you'd probably pack up and leave
mr zee
Posts: 577
Now that's deep
Posts: 3147
Hi…i am a new user here. In my case i play in changes keys on us from time to time, usually because he changes who is singing lead on the song. I work out the bass lines on the songs without playing any open strings to make the adjustments easier.

pcb assembly china
Posts: 3147
…didn't 2nick3 say that?

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