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Requests and work in progress

Posts: 8
It seems that requests that are picked up for tabbing could disappear from the request list because they are not submitted within some kind of time-frame or the list gets too long (no idea what kind of limitation applies). As a consequence one might submit a tab while someone else is working on this, as happened with LoudLon (working on it) and myself (posting it). Apparently this has happened before. My suggestion would be to either let the ones that are picked up stay on the request list or even better have an additional tab showing the ones that are in progress. It could save the tabbers amongst us time/energy and even possible frustration. Just an idea….
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
The request page is set up basically like the end credits of a movie. Every new request that appears at the top of the page bumps one off the bottom.

In our case, I tagged a request a few months back, but never got around to actually starting the tab until the day before you submitted yours. I bemoaned the timing because it was my fault; you couldn't have known I was working on a tab for that song because the request with my name tagged to it had been bumped off the request page months ago. And it's not your fault I didn't start the tab until months after taking the request. If I wasn't going to be able to get it finished in a reasonable amount of time, I shouldn't have tagged it. But I've always had a problem with that – it's why some of the requests on my backlog go back over a year. My tab for Your Eyes Girl by RHCP, the guy requested that over a year ago. He waited a year before asking me if I'd finished it yet, and it STILL took me a couple more months AFTER he reminded me before I got to it. He's a saint for waiting so long, and I'm a dick for making him LOL

I do like the idea of a tagged request remaining on the request page, though. Maybe our admin can work something like that up when he gets the time (his plate's pretty full at the moment). Personally, I've recently taken to providing a partial list of tabs I currently have in progress on my profile page. It's not a list of all the requests I have backlogged, just the ones I'm actively working on at the moment. I encourage our regular tabbers to do the same, that way we can check each others' profiles to make sure none of us are stepping on the others' toes. Just a thought.
Posts: 534
If we are improving the Requests page, could we get it so a user can only have one or two requests on the list. There is someone with 9 requests on the list, a couple of people with 5, multiple 3's and 2s. Only ~100 requests will show on the list, so having people posting multiple requests is just pushing others off.

Or it you needed to change your profile picture from the default before making a request it would reduce the number of people making requests who just join to do that and are never heard from again. It's hard to believe there are over 17k users of BBT.
mr zee
Posts: 577
I have just looked at the last ten requests, 23.30 gmt, and all but one registered in the last couple of days. No submmissions, no posts etc. Perhaps a person requesting a tab could at least introduce them selves and so fourth before being able to request and as 2nick3 suggests only one or two tabs and no more until at least one is fulfilled, or maybe there is some other criteria that could be used.
mr zee
Posts: 577
I encourage our regular tabbers to do the same, that way we can check each others' profiles to make sure none of us are stepping on the others' toes. Just a thought

May be a list of tabs that are being worked on under the request section, but that could possibly be longer than the request page.
Posts: 3146
Maybe if the tabbers spent less time moaning about tabbing or doing stoopid things like eating and drinking and having a life and just got on with it, then the tabs would get done and the requesters would be happy…

…any help?
mr zee
Posts: 577
Your posts are always helpful to me, or at least make me smile
Posts: 809
Your posts are always helpful to me, or at least make me smile

That's no smile ,it's a grimace due to your jerk chicken for breakfast,lunch and tea again

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