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Modern music, I think he's got a point...

ThunderBassist Jay
Posts: 1105
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Which is why I'm not at all a fan of modern pop music. IMO, the last really great decade for pop was the '80s – and it was so great that even now, 30 + years later, pop artists are STILL ripping them off.
As a matter of fact I hate listening to the radio nowadays.
Posts: 534
My daughter, when she was in her Radio Disney phase (ug - at the height of the Hanna Montana years) was always amazed how I knew the lyrics to so many of the latest songs.

The ones that were covers of 80's tracks.

Victory was achieved when she acknowledged that the originals were much better than the covers, and then started listening to other music from those artists.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Sounds like we both have cool daughters, nick. One thing I'm really grateful for in regards to mine is that she can't stand Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber and most modern pop music. She's a kid after my own heart – loves Metallica, Nirvana, Disturbed, Soundgarden, etc. For her 16th birthday back in July, she wanted the first Venom album, Welcome to Hell, and her CD (yes, CD, not iTunes or MP3) wish list is almost entirely ‘80s heavy/hair/glam metal.

It’s almost enough to make me overlook the fact that her favorite Friday the 13th movie is part 8. Part 8! The worst of the entire series! My god, WHY???
My son too. He's allergic to Justin Bieber & co. He's a gifted guitar player who likes to play Van Halen, Iron Maiden, DIO and many more. I really enjoy listening to his playing.
Posts: 809
Took my son to see Alice Cooper at age 8 at the Brighton Centre, crikes that was at his request and going on 11 years ago now

First festival we did together was Soniphere at Knebworth he was 11ish ,I'd promised him he could see iron maiden next time they toured and stuck to my promise even though I hate camping and wasn't into most of the band's playing

Motorhead 4 times for him thereafter, unfortunately stuck on 19 for me

His first UK Subs gig was in a stinky old flea scuzzy dive of a place ,this opened his eyes and ears to what music's really about ( imo )

Me I don't care much for anything modern, got DAB radio in my van and listen to speech or cricket live or my own personal library on mp3 drives

Posts: 270
They don't make em like they used to
I'm too fixated on the 60's and as each decade passes my interest in music quickly diminishes.

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