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Chuck Mosely rip

Posts: 3146
I'm remembering Chuck cos I Care a Lot

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Just read about this a short while ago. Shame, to have been sober for as long as he was, only to die from a relapse. I won't get all preachy, other than to say having spent years as a social worker, case manager and addiction counselor, I've seen this happen way too many times to too many otherwise good people. RIP, Chuck.
Posts: 3146
He was terrified of performing on stage despite being such a talented showman, this fear led to him drinking heavily before performances and ultimately led to FNM sacking him
Posts: 270
Always sad to hear of anyone passing. RIP.
Posts: 534
It always sucks when someones old demons comes back and get to them. RIP.
Posts: 1103
I heard it wasn't booze that got him but a heroine overdose.

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