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New Bass Amp?need help deciding

Posts: 22
I'm getting anew bass amp. But I cant decide between a ampeg or a fender
Posts: 3147
Ampeg SVT is the mother of all bass amps but the Fender Rumble seems popular on a budget
Posts: 26
I use a Fender Rumble 40, perfect for room jams, I'm not in band so 40 watts is plenty for me and the amp has many tonal variety's as well.
ive got it down between the fender rumble thats $99 or the ampeg ba- 108 also for $99 but i like the fact i can use it almost like monitor
Posts: 534
Both look to have the few features I feel are critical for a practice amp - a line in input and headphone output. After that it comes down to how they sound to you, playing what you like to play.

I'm not sure about the utility of the monitor positioning on the Ampeg, as it lacks a line out. So configuring to use it as a monitor while also sending your signal to a PA/house gets complicated.
I did a side by side comparison of the Fender Rumble 500 and the Ampeg BA210. I bought the Ampeg due to a better low and high sound, saving the mid range for the guitars, and it just sounded cleaner. The overdrive wasn't as good as the Rumble's, but that is easily fixable. This amp is more than enough for me, and is only a few pounds over my 25 year old Peavy Minx 110 35w amp, and just sounds awesome! Easy to use, plenty of features, and while not quite a Trace Elliot that I still want, it's a great sound. I was actually set on buying the Rumble as I saw a girl using one in a live show and loved her sound, but the side by side sold me. I have an old Arbor bass with active EMG pickups and flat wound strings, so I try and get a sound that either fills the void like an upright, or stand out during rock songs.
Thanks. I want to be in more chat rooms bc imstarting ut and are eager to learn more

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