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Posts: 27
Any one ever thought of or has there ever been a classifieds place on this site? I always see people asking advice on stuff they want to buy. We all have equipment that we want to buy/sell. Any thoughts/ideas?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
^^^ My thoughts exactly.

Whoops, Marko, you deleted your post while I was responding LOL
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
no, he didn't delete it.

we were just in the transition of moving our servers, and unfortunately one or two posts were made while i was migrating the databases.

sorry marko, your post here was lost, please post it again!
Posts: 3146
I cleared my google history so can't copy and paste it, as long as Lon is on the same page as me on the subject I'm happy to let it go
mr zee
Posts: 577
Sounds like a bad idea to me too, could cause some serious unhappiness
Posts: 3146
What I said in a nut shell was, any members who want to buy and sell with other members are free to do so but at their own risk, a ‘Classified’ section might imply that BBT are responsible for any deals that turn sour and that would certainly not be the case. This site is about bass tabs and the Forum only consists of a very small portion of what's going on, there's a huge number of tabbers and most go nowhere near the forum so a classified section would have a very small clientele, and to be fair there are far better sites for buying and selling gear
Posts: 534
Maybe we could setup a Craig's List ‘City’ out in the middle of nowhere(*) to post items?

* - Like where Lon lives, for example!
Posts: 3146
Maybe we could setup a Craig's List ‘City’ out in the middle of nowhere(*) to post items? * - Like where Lon lives, for example!
That's a great idea Nick, and I could be the European post office box

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