0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Heartfelt thanks to LoudLon on his 750th tab!

Also slightly jacking this thread to thank the community as a whole. Y'all make this a helluva welcoming place for beginners. Keep on rockin' my dudes!
Posts: 534
She was a CxxT.

Cant? Cart? Cast? Cent? Chat? Chit? Cist? Clot? Coat? Coft? Colt? Coot? Cost? Cult? Curt? Cyst?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Sorry I'm late to the party! I don't play too dutifully, so I'm no skilled bassist. However, Lon's tabs always gave me something to work on, while always sounding right to my untrained ears. Without Lon's Learn to Fly tab, I never would've fallen in love with this instrument. Thanks, man. From the bottom of my heart, you have made me a better and happier bassist. You fucking rock, dude.

Very cool of you to say. Thanks, man.
Posts: 3146
Quote: She was a CxxT. Cant? Cart? Cast? Cent? Chat? Chit? Cist? Clot? Coat? Coft? Colt? Coot? Cost? Cult? Curt? Cyst?
Clue, ‘not very nice’
mr zee
Posts: 577
Ford clitoris. Every c..t has one. LOL

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