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new to the bass guitar

Hey everyone,A good friend of mine gave me a bass guitar and amp. I never played before in my life, but I do want to learn. What are some good songs to learn on? Again, I don't know what to start out with. Thanks for your time, and your replies.Angelo
Quote: Hey everyone, A good friend of mine gave me a bass guitar and amp. I never played before in my life, but I do want to learn. What are some good songs to learn on? Again, I don't know what to start out with. Thanks for your time, and your replies.Angelo
Posts: 3146
Hi Angelo, The Police have some pretty manageable basslines, Roxanne, Can't Stand Losing You etc, find the tabs on here and away you go. Welcome
fucken epic
Posts: 395
Hi Angelo. This is just my 2 cents worth. I think I would learn how to pluck the bass first. Maybe learn some scales, timing, some exercises, that kind of thing before I try to jump right into trying to play songs. I learned a lot of blues riffs, walking bass lines, things like that before I even tried my first song. There is a guy on youtube that has a lot of beginner stuff you can learn. He helped me a lot. The website is called BASSBASSBASS. The biggest thing about playing bass is sticking with it. Don't give up. Practice as often as you can. Good luck. Johnny…
Posts: 395
Hi Angelo. I forgot to mention there is a lot of great bass lessons right here on big bass tabs. Take advantage of them. I did. P.S The first song I learned after about 8 months of practice was Gone Away by The Offspring. Good song to learn. Take care. Johnny…
Posts: 3146
Good on you Johnny for sticking it out after eight months of nothing but scales and excercises, I'd have gone mental
Posts: 395
Hi Marko. No it really wasn't that bad. I learned enough that I was able to start making my own stuff up. Some of which I still play and have expanded on. Other stuff I think sucks. And I played a lot of blues riffs even though I am not a fan of the blues but was good to learn.
Posts: 395
Hi Marko. Also when I started I wanted to be able to just pick up the bass and play and not just other peoples songs. I didn't want to just be a walking jukebox. So learning some scales and blues and walking bass lines really helped. Take care. Johnny…

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