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Cheesy but intersting songs.

Posts: 395
Here in the great white north they have decided on resurrecting two old tv shows. The Partidge Family and The Monkees. Anyone remember them. Heard a couple of songs that weren't bad. Point me in the direction of Albuqureque. I think I love you. The Partridge Family. She by the Monkees etc. The shows are cheesy I don't remember them but the bass is interesting for way back when. Any cheesy tv shows where you kinda dig the songs. Don't be shy. I wont tell. Would like to hear…
Posts: 395
In fact I think I will put in a request for the Partridge Family song. Point me in the direction of Albuqureque. I like the bass. I don't know who played it. But its good. I know some of you will think its sappy. I understand. I am mostly a prog rock guy. I am really interested in Yes and bands like that. But I will listen to anything and if I think its good that's all that matters. And I think that all bass players should be the same. If you dig a song and the bass who the hell cares where it came from…
Posts: 3146
I remember them both, didn't watch the Partridge Family but I liked The Monkees. The actual band members didn't play the instruments early on but gradually started to as the show went on, so it's possible that Peter Tork played your bassline. Singer and tambourine virtuoso, the late Davy Jones is the reason another English singer called David Jones changed his name to David Bowie to avoid confusion. As for other cheesy shows, if they were cheesy I'd avoid them like the plague
mr zee
Posts: 577
I remember both too. Watched the Monkees for the humour but not the partridge family as I was more interested in the glam rock bands like Slade, The Sweet and Alice cooper to name but a few. At the time David Cassidy and The Osmonds were not for me but later on in life some of the songs became more appealing.
mr zee
Posts: 577
In fact I think I will put in a request for the Partridge Family song. Point me in the direction of Albuqureque. I like the bass. I don't know who played it. But its good. I know some of you will think its sappy. I understand. I am mostly a prog rock guy. I am really interested in Yes and bands like that. But I will listen to anything and if I think its good that's all that matters. And I think that all bass players should be the same. If you dig a song and the bass who the hell cares where it came from…

Not my cup of tea but some of the bass line wouldn't be too amiss in a funk tune
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
If you're talking cheesy but interesting in general, the band Scatterbrain had some pretty good stuff. Their songs were jokey but musically they had mad chops. Check out some of their stuff, like Tastes Just Like Chicken, Don't Call Me Dude, Here Comes Trouble and I'm With Stupid. I've been meaning to tab some of their stuff, I just never seem to get around to it.
Posts: 1103
Don't go knocking Danny Partirdge's bass skillz. He grew up to become a National Treasure. BAHAHA!

Posts: 1103
mr zee
Posts: 577
Didn't realize harry potters school mate was a bassist
Posts: 395
David Cassidy didn't have a bad voice. I think he couldn't shake the Partidge family typecast and then drank himself to death. To bad. Maybe its time for a new musical comedy for this generation. Hint Hint. I wonder who might want to write such a script. P.s. Good thing that bass that Danny is holding is a hollow body. And since he is only 3 feet tall. Any thing heavier and he would fall over and swallow that mic.
Posts: 395
I have a ton of jokes I could add on there but I better not. I will leave that up to you guys…

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