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A few more Canadian tunes

Posts: 395
A few more Canadian songs I like on the request list. As all ways I don't expect anyone to work on them. If you just give them a listen its all good with me. I have many more. Just want to drip feed a little at a time.
Posts: 534
If you aren't looking for them to be tabbed, but are just sharing the songs, I'd recommend doing it in a Forum thread. Adding a song to the Request list bumps one off the bottom of the list, which means no one will see it to work on it.

But leave Not Quite Sonic on the list - IME is a great band, and that's a killer song. Listen with headphones - they use stereo to great effect on the track:

Posts: 395
Hi Nick. Its not that I don't want them tabbed. I just don't like to push. If someone is interested in the songs and want to tab them I would be all over it. I hear you though and will tone down the requests. I will put in a few now and then so I don't push others out. I mostly want to share Canadian songs that many haven't heard. And I am not at the stage where I can learn a song by ear. I need the help from you and others. My thinking was that you guys that look over the requests probably write down songs of interest for future consideration. I didn't want to create a problem. My apologies.
Posts: 395
I was able to catch I Mother Earth live. You are right great band. The singer went on to do Crash Karma. I left that song on the request list as well if someone ever wants to work on it. I am not sure the status of him or the band now.

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