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Original Riffs Page

It's still american soccer to me
Posts: 3145
So American Soccer is the same as Soccer but not the same as American Football? And if so, why do you call it American Soccer when everyone else from around the world just call it Soccer, they don't pin their nationality to the front of it, is yours different to the rest, does it not abide by the rules laid down by FIFA. Why do you people alienate yourselves from the rest of the world? During the Cold War I felt safer with the Soviets, the amount of paranoia coming out of the U S was stifling
quirky i guess
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1022
Hey guys! sorry for the radio silence from me - yes this is a great idea. I will do my best to make it happen!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1022
(by make it happen I mean make a subpage on bigbasstabs.com where these kinds of tabs can be displayed)
(by make it happen I mean make a subpage on bigbasstabs.com where these kinds of tabs can be displayed)

good idea
Posts: 395
(by make it happen I mean make a subpage on bigbasstabs.com where these kinds of tabs can be displayed)
Many thanks Johnny. This is what I was asking and hoping for. I really didn't think it would happen. I am ready to post some original tabs for you guys to mess with and I hope all of you and anyone that visits this website will post any cool little licks you want to share. And in my mind it doesn't really matter how good or bad you think they are. There will be someone out there that you will inspire to take that idea and play with it and move it into there own groove, or at the very least, New players will see the infinite options they have by playing your notes. They can not only learn new songs from BIGBASSTABS but can learn how to do there own thing as well. To me its a win win. P.S. Thanks LOUDLON !
Posts: 395
Also I was just reading your thoughts on the other thread. No I am not some sort of marketing guy that wants to capitalize on your ideas. My whole idea is to learn and have fun with other peoples numbers. And help the new guy or girl bass player out there move around the board. That's it that's all. But by all means if any of you are in the position that you think you have a tune, that you think you or your band can wrap around, into something. I wouldn't post it here. I was just hoping for a separate page of original ideas for people to have fun with and see where it takes them. Hell maybe you might take one of my riffs and turn it into a hit. Send me a thank you cake then will you. Express post !
Posts: 395
As soon as Johnny sets up a sub page for original riffs, I will post that riff I did a week ago that my brother said sounded like Sabbath. Its easy but fun and a good one I think for you guys to mess with. I hope he does and I hope you guys will make up some stuff on your own and let us play with it. The only problem I have is I am not very good with tabs and I think I will have to ask you guys how to tab some riffs out if you don't mind. For instance I don't know how to tab a bend. I play a lot of bending and sliding. And some riffs I play one note and hammer on the next two. What is that called. And how do you tab it. Silly things like that but I need to know some of these things in order to post some things I have worked out for you guys. I find it easier to come up with music than to tab it. Chow 4 now.
Posts: 3145
A|----7/9----------------------------------| slide[tabs]

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