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The final try...

Posts: 395
Anything else ? Not trying to make anyone cry.
Posts: 3146
Yes.when my sister lived in Calgary she couldn't go outdoors in the winter for fear of losing an appendage

…cabin fever does strange things to people's minds
Posts: 395
Not sure what you mean but I am outta here. Goodnight Marko. And everyone else. Another day. And hopefully a nicer one. Snow and blizzard out are ass today. Very odd for April. Ciao 4 now…
Posts: 3146
Later Dude, don't forget your Grizzly pepper spray
Posts: 395
Crazy thing is Marko. I have been a YES fan for along time and didn't realize what he was doing until I started playing bass. Of course this was in the old YES years. What he did later on was more advanced. But in the old footage on youtube you can see two cables running from his bass to two different amps. How do you even set that up ? I have enough to deal with one amp. Not to mention moving around on stage. But going back to Loudlons post. Now I am not sure on this. So don't quote me. I think one was a guitar amp. Whatever he was doing it was ahead of the curve and what I was talking about. Don't be afraid to experiment. If you happen to come across any info on this I would be interested. I can only find limited info for what he was doing in the 70s and early 80s on bass. I know he was going thru two amps from two cables from his RIC. That's it. And a multitude of effects. I have to go now. My brother is still not very well and has the upcoming CTSCAN. I will check back with you guys later on if and when I can. Ciao 4 now…
Posts: 3146
Yeah, one was a lead amp and the other a bass amp. Don't know why he modded the bass himself when all he had to do was order a 4001 from the States. Rick-O-Sound was just two jacks, one for each pick up. Back around 1978 I had a Japanese 4001 copy, made by Hondo, which had stereo sound. I read Peter Hook's (Joy Division/New Order) book and he started out on a Hondo 4001 but the nut kept falling off mid gig. My brother customised mine, scratched the ‘Hondo’ from the truss cover and in Ric font wrote, ‘Slickenfucker’
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Playing bass through a guitar head with a bass cab can sound pretty cool ,do you not struggle with wattage though in a live setting ???I'm pushing a 350 watt head through a 2x10 and 1x15 cab set up and am just about keeping up with 2/3 volume on stage against a drummer and two guitars

That's my home set-up. If I were to start gigging or were to hook up with another band, I'm sure I'd break down and buy a bass amp. But no, no struggle at home because I don't typically play at a volume that pushes the threshold. My home amp is a little 25 watt Rocktron Rampage I've had forever, and it does the job just fine.
Posts: 3146
My home amp is a 100 watt Marshall guitar amp, I do have a Peavey bass amp but it's too big for home use
My home amp is a Peavey Max 115,I only usually get to turn it on like volume 1 and gain 1,if I turn it any higher the witch next door calls the cops to come tell me to turn my stereo down,I take it as a compliment that she can't tell the difference the one time the officer that responded was a guitar player,he ended up liking my Ibanez Tmb 310 Talman bass and playing it for a half hour
Posts: 534
I really like CoverSolutions. He is a really good bass player with excellent tabs. I also like a fellow Canadian Constantine Bass on youtube. Check him out.

Thanks Johnny - I hadn't seen Constantine's stuff before (not sure how - he sure has a LOT of videos!!!), and he packages it very well.

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