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Wiring a Fender jazz

Posts: 20
Ok guys I need some help here,the Fender standard I got had an idiot for an owner before me,I don't know if they put new pots in the bass or what they did,but they had MEDICAL TAPE holding the wiring together,so using my Squier VM as a guide I rewired my first jazz,I got both pickups to work just fine but my tone knob don't do nothing,when I turn it up it just hums,turned down it's fine,where did I got wrong,like I said I followed my Squier wire for wire,ran a hot wire down all 3 pots,put the grounds all on the same spot,which I'm not sure about,I noticed the him changes when I touch the guitar,I'll upload pics if that helps,thanks peeps!
Ok guys I need some help here,the Fender standard I got had an idiot for an owner before me,I don't know if they put new pots in the bass or what they did,but they had MEDICAL TAPE holding the wiring together,so using my Squier VM as a guide I rewired my first jazz,I got both pickups to work just fine but my tone knob don't do nothing,when I turn it up it just hums,turned down it's fine,where did I got wrong,like I said I followed my Squier wire for wire,ran a hot wire down all 3 pots,put the grounds all on the same spot,which I'm not sure about,I noticed the hum changes when I touch the guitar,I'll upload pics if that helps,thanks peeps!
Posts: 1103
Can you post a picture of your control cavity and wiring?
Actually in the process of trying to upload a pic of the wiring cavity and my phone telling me I don't have enough memory to do it ,I just went to good old Google images and found a diagram of my exact bass a 94 Fender standard (I'm guessing there's not much difference in the years and how their wired.) And just traced each wired,I had my grounds wired wrong and had the tone not completely hooked up now it's nice and quiet and THE TONE WORKS!,a bit different from wiring a Pbass,. Now I just gotta learn how to wire music Man style pickups on my 5 string I'll be doing good,lol I'll actually leave that to a pro so it can be wired to work parallel and in series the way their supposed to. Thanks for trying to help my situation though I appreciate the quick response✌️✌️
Posts: 534
For wiring diagrams I usually start at: https://www.seymourduncan.com/wiring-diagrams

They don't cover every possibility, but they have covered everything I've worked on.

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