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Could use a little cheer...

Posts: 395

johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
dude, what?
Posts: 395
Sorry Johnny. I am on disability from a spinal injury and live with my brother. He just lost his job. I am a little messed up over this and was thinking I could reach out to you guys for a little cheer up. I don't know. I don't know what I was expecting or even thinking. I changed my mind and didn't think that this was the place to do it. So I tried to delete the thread but couldn't. I am sorry. I just don't know what to do. Please forgive me. And lock the thread if you like.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
no problem man, we all have our off days - just watch a good movie or read a good book, one step at a time. if you feel really depressed try seeking out professional help, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Posts: 395
Thank you kindly Johnny. I appreciate your words and understanding.
Posts: 534
When I need a boost I tend to play a few favorite easy songs. Loudly. And sing along. Loudly. I'm not much of a singer, so it's not pretty, but it seems to burn off a lot of the stress/angst and get me in a better mood. My go-to songs are:

She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult
Warning by Green Day
Cool From The Wire by Dirty Looks
Feelings Are Good by The Neurotic Outsiders
Blood & Roses by The Smithereens

It's about 18 minutes (and I have to switch basses or drop tune for the last one), and I'm feeling much better. My wife, daughter and dog feel better when the singing ends, too!
Posts: 395
Ok that was funny.
Posts: 395
I cant sing worth shit either. At least my bass can hold a note. Happy holidays to you all. And I wish you all a awesome New Year…
Sometimes arthritis keeps me from playing the bass for several days in a row. I just refuse to get depressed. Instead I can watch YouTube channels of colleagues and teachers like Scott Devine. Furthermore I'm very interested in well made scientific documentaries with exciting content.

My main motto is: “I won't get depressed, period!”
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
That's a good motto Jay!

Also whenever I cannot practice my instrument for whatever reason I use visualisation techniques. Basically I try to visualize myself practicing really deliberate. Right down to the very last detail without actually doing it physically. It really do helps a lot.
Posts: 395
I think I am done. Its been my pleasure talking with you all…

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