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Coronavirus pandemic

Posts: 5
Here in Argentina, the official quarantine has just started yesterday, but I´ve been doing it since the last week, I have enough food and some delivery systems are still open so I'm not worried about that. im taking this time to finally start playing bass so I'm doing alright.

(also I saw you and Kronisk comment on my thread talking about this, thanks for the videos and the advice in general)
We have a soft lockdown where I'm at in the states. Encouraged, but not enforced to stay indoors. I'm curious if this whole thing will have any impact on the timeframe tabs will approved here. Anyone have an answer for that? I hope you all are well.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
I will try to be prompt in approving tabs. if you find I'm a bit late please send me a message!
Posts: 22
Asstralia is pretty similar to the states. They politely ask. They do make people who have been in places where an outbreak is known to have happened, or people who have come in from overseas, stay isolated. With the threat of fines, or so on. I am sure that if people get flagrant, show that even fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range will not stop them from breaking quarantine or self-isolation, jail is a possibility.

People who suffer from chronic illnesses or impairments to their immune system, or both in cases like mine (diabetes), will get carted straight to a hospital if they are suspected to be infected. Testing is also used a lot more here than is the case in America. No shortages of medical goods yet, and a low number of known cases, plus testing is made available to all and sundry.

I cannot imagine how this situation feels for Americans. Some of what I see on Seth Meyers' videos just beggars belief.
Asstralia is pretty similar to the states. They politely ask. They do make people who have been in places where an outbreak is known to have happened, or people who have come in from overseas, stay isolated. With the threat of fines, or so on. I am sure that if people get flagrant, show that even fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range will not stop them from breaking quarantine or self-isolation, jail is a possibility.People who suffer from chronic illnesses or impairments to their immune system, or both in cases like mine (diabetes), will get carted straight to a hospital if they are suspected to be infected. Testing is also used a lot more here than is the case in America. No shortages of medical goods yet, and a low number of known cases, plus testing is made available to all and sundry.I cannot imagine how this situation feels for Americans. Some of what I see on Seth Meyers' videos just beggars belief.

you mean donald “know it all” trump doesn't have it all under control in america?
In the Netherlands people are requested to keep distance and to work from home if possible. Sick people, including their families, should stay home. Restaurants and bars are closed, as are many unnecessary shops. In supermarkets shopping carts are mandatory to keep distance. After use the carts are cleaned instantly. In shops only one person is allowed per ten square metres. Many public parking lots have been obstructed, so people can't go to the beach or other touristic sites.

Please stay safe, so we all will survive to tell the next generation what happened in 2020.
Have a good weekend!
How do you protect yourself? Do you wear a mask?
I made my masks at home from my daughter's best nursing cover. It made of very high quality fabric do the mask are very good. But I don't know how much the y protect you from viruses.
How do you protect yourself? Do you wear a mask?I made my masks at home from my daughter's best nursing cover. It made of very high quality fabric do the mask are very good. But I don't know how much the y protect you from viruses.

i personally don't wear a mask though i have considered gloves. at present it's a matter of choice unless it becomes law under lockdown
Posts: 22
One health professional has made it very clear that gloves are useless unless you replace them every time you make contact with any surface that might have germs on it. That is why you never see them use the same gloves for more than one patient in hospitals. And the gloves used are not just taken off and thrown in the trash. If I were a betting man, I would say that the hospitals feed them into the incinerator, to make sure any infectious matter picked up is killed very thoroughly.

If you wear glasses, putting them on in combination with a mask is a good idea. It discourages you from touching your face, and any stray coughs are less likely to put infectious matter into the areas that the virus relies on to infect you. I am genuinely surprised that governments are not encouraging us to buy goggles (which health professionals would doubtless wear when tending to patients).
Posts: 534
Masks are very helpful with preventing viruses from spreading. While the protection they provide you is noticeable, they also help to protecting others. The virus getting in through the mask is possible, but getting out through one mask and in through another is really unlikely. Wear the mask where appropriate.

Wearing a mask when someone coughs in your face is a good level of protection. Them wearing a mask is significantly better.

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