0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A programme to write tabs.

I'm after a programme for writing tabs so I can send out to my students digitally please. Any help would be appreciated.

johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023

you can try power tab editor

johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
There's also guitar pro:

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Hi!you can try power tab editorhttp://www.power-tab.net/guitar.php

I'm a long-time proponent of this program – not least because it's totally free. The midi playback leaves something to be desired but otherwise, no complaints. For those seeking proper tabbing knowledge, I highly recommend it.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Sorry for the multiple posts – stupid tablet…

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942

Posts: 22
Not an expert on tabbing programs by any means, but the knowledge that they exist makes me happy. Used to be that if you wanted them on your computer or website, you had to carefully write them out in a plain text file.
Posts: 1103
Anyone ever used this?


LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Not an expert on tabbing programs by any means, but the knowledge that they exist makes me happy. Used to be that if you wanted them on your computer or website, you had to carefully write them out in a plain text file.

This is how I write mine. I just use a simple little template I whipped up on Windows Notepad. I like power tab because you actually learn stuff like notation, note duration and other technical aspects, but most people seem to prefer text tabs, so that's what I write.
there's also the free and very guitar-pro-like “tux guitar” - good for Win or Lin or Mac, as they say on Sourceforge :
“TuxGuitar is a multitrack guitar tablature editor and player written in Java-SWT, It can open GuitarPro, PowerTab and TablEdit files”. I use it for some years and it's just fine. It has a MIDI player built-in too, and fretboard and keyboard view just like GP5 did back in the day and it still is a nice program- although I have GP 7 for quick tab refference or at work or on my laptop I use this wonderfully free program. Get it here free :

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