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Posts: 2
Im a rhythm guitar player ( I'm NOT what I would call “a guirtist&rdquo and learning bass guitar the problem I'm having trouble with is timing.
I'm used to singing following the lyrics and playing rhythm to keep timing.
Where bass tab have lyrics I'm okay …without lyrics I'm lost .

Any tips / advice would be greatly appreciated..

Posts: 2
Im a rhythm guitar player ( I'm NOT what I would call “a guirtist ) and learning bass guitar the problem I'm having trouble with is timing.I'm used to singing following the lyrics and playing rhythm to keep timing.Where bass tab have lyrics I'm okay …without lyrics I'm lost .Any tips / advice would be greatly appreciated..ThanksPETER
Posts: 534
What has worked for me (and note that I have a voice for silent movies… is to work out the bass part to the point I don't have to think about it at all, then I add singing on top of that. Then I sing along to the recording to get the vocal timing down.

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