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Approval Delay ?!?!?!

Sam Rain
Posts: 19
I notice there's a thread about delays in approval of tab submissions - and it's 10 YEARS OLD!
Seriously? Have no tabs even been approved since then? Seems like this place has been abandoned long ago but nobody wants to admit it. Did the owner die and take this place with him? Or, can he not delegate ANY power at all, to allow others to approve tabs? If you cannot continue to support a place like this, then you really need to think for the users and appoint someone to take over for you!

I really wanted to post my numerous transcriptions here, rather than that dreadful UG place. But it seems if I want them to be online before I'm deceased, I'm gonna have to give in and post them there. So sad. I really thought this was a good place for bass tabs. Apparently I was mistaken.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Don't worry man, new tabs are approved all the time. Post them
Posts: 1
Well, since this thread is 2 weeks old and under his profile Sam has a pending review tab, I'm guessing “all the time” would be once every couple of months, right?
Sam Rain
Posts: 19
Yea, that seems to be about what it is. And perhaps only about 10 in that 2-month period.
Notice that they do not time stamp when you first submit a tab but I have yet another one that's now been waiting over 6 weeks… At this rate, I'll be dead before they approve half of the tabs I would like to share! I would really like to find a more reliable place to share all my work. And I had high hopes for this (now effectively abandoned) site. shame
Sam Rain
Posts: 19
It's really easy to tell - simply look at the “New Tabs” page and take a screenie of it. Then compare it a week later, a month later, etc and see that exactly ZERO new tabs were added. Someone really needs to give up his tight fisted control and let another approve tabs….
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
sorry man.. I will get round to fixing the site soon so that other people will be able to approve as well. New tabs are up!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
not yet, sorry, will get round to that next
Sam Rain
Posts: 19
Well I hope it has become better now. Just submitted a rare tab for Sunspot Baby by Bob Seger. The one here was lacking, plus I tabbed out the extended version of the song.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
yeah, I’ve solved 99% of the spam problems so from now on it’s smooth sailing. will also enable regular contributors to submit without approval soon

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