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Your new year's resolution

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Burn off all the weight I put on when I quit smoking for New Year's 2017. I've got my work cut out for me. I didn't just put on a few pounds, my ass got f-a-t fat!
Stopped smoking in 2005. Still gaining weight.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
If I gain any more weight, I'll have to change my Social Security Number to a zip code.
Posts: 270
Posts: 395
Do what I do to burn calories. I walk my bass every day.
Posts: 395
Time to go to bed. Sheeesh. Tired. Glad New Years cheer is only once a year. No walking my bass tomorrow.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
In keeping with my New Year resolution, the first thing I did this morning was put on my sneakers, track pants and hoodie and set out on a three mile hike I plotted for myself, the first half of which is all uphill (I live in the Appallachians, so “uphill” is actually “upmountain” ).

I made it about half a mile before I was sucking wind like a vacuum cleaner and my heart was throbbing in my ears. So, reality check time: While mentally I may still feel young and vibrant, physically I'm definitely not 21 anymore (hell, I'm twice that and then some!) so I'm going to have to pace myself instead of just throwing myself back into this whole fitness thing.
Posts: 3146
Eat less and exercise more, that doesn't mean 300 squat thrusts before breakfast, just walk to the kebab shop instead of taking the car. And as for eating less just reduce the size of the portions you eat, all these crazy diets just make things worse and are impossible to stick to
mr zee
Posts: 577
One step at a time, I grill nearly all the foods that can be fried apart from the obvious like eggs and mushrooms.

Instead of 20 pins of beer I have 40 half pints

Use real butter instead of that low fat spread its more filling

and finally why run when you can cover more miles walking
Posts: 3146
The butter must play havoc with your cholesterol

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