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Inbox full of bass tab requests, keep em coming

DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
12 years ago
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Getting various bass tab requests from all kinds of different genres from artists and bands I've never heard off. So this week it was a good challenge I got to tab Duran Duran– Faster Than Light, which was good practice for my ear.. Also never heard of these two bands before (my morning jacket and Wilco) in my opinion really good music, it's been awhile since I picked up ole cherry bass from the studio since I've been DJ and writing music for my two band projects.

Hope I get to receive more requests and feedback on bass tabs I submit and write for you guys and girls. Always here at your service, loving the bass community and glad to be back tabbing.

Daniel Castro Valdes

(oh and feel free to look me up on Facebook to chat and here more about you guys)
KissyBoy [staff]
Posts: 42
Nice! You're the man, man! If you have any suggestions regarding the site or if you need anything, just let us know
Posts: 1
I'm a big fan of Wilco and My Morning Jacket and there is a major lack of tabs out there for these 2 groups. Thanks for putting those requests together!
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Taking the weekend off to play at a rock festival in Seralles Castle In Puerto Rico Aug31-Sept 1 for a local band and for my band.

Sorry guys if I haven't posted the new tabs, I'm currently working on the Wilco and morning jacket bass tabs, and the 2 bass solos I was requested. Also you are happy to know that the following tabs I have posted on the page:

The Killers - The World We Live In
Steve Stevens - Top Gun Theme
Mackelmore - Can't Hold Us
Darius Rucker - Wagon Wheel
The Fray - How To Save A Life

To BigBassTab Members who Requested tabs:

Icehouse and Scooga I shall have your tabs ready between Tuesday Sept 3 - Thursday Sept 6 of next week.

To All Members and no members of BIGBASSTABS.COM

You can still email me for anymore requests on bass tabs, bass riffts, bass solos or to get my opinion on a tab you're working on.
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
DANNYBASSMAN93 you're awesome, but you need to change your avatar pretty bad.
Posts: 46
Hahahahaha yeah that avatar looks sick!!!!! Lol
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Sarcasm not appreciated Scooga
Posts: 46
I'm sorry bro. ment no dis respect but please change the avatar. But its up to you, you still are great in my book!!!
Posts: 109
When I first joined that beiber pic was my avatar as well. It's kinda funny
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Finally changed the profile pic
Posts: 46
DB93 that's what's up.

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