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For the Masses

Posts: 778
12 years ago
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this is a highly public website so as such id like to take a moment to thanks the great Ben Weasel of Screeching Weasel for helping me contact the vindictives, and giving me permission to tab their music. love ya ben.
thats right im sitting here talking to ben weasel. kiss it!
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
i'm so jelly.
left forrrr dead without a spec of light tonight, the atmosphere is wayyyyyy to tiiight in here, im looking for an attitude to please me. everythings in sight, but out of my mind. I wanna know a way around the secrets, i wanna know about everything to night. in the morning they will be examinin my head and in the evening i`ll just crawl into bed again. And then i`ll be left for dead untill the morning. Stretching out to try and pull the plug again, someone tell me why i should leave it in.I`m going to wind up dead trying to make this clear, ive gotta fill the space between my ears. GREAT tune. Left for dead by the Vindictives
Posts: 461
Music For The Masses by Depeche Mode would impress me more!

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