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A Green Day, Vandals, Offspring, Ataris, Blink 182 cover band....

Posts: 778
12 years ago
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lol, what does the world think? Should I humor a buddy and sign on for this?
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
sounds like fun! I'd sign up for it
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Id do it playing bass is playing bass regardless of the genre or band youre covering plus the more you know and play the better you are as a bassist
Posts: 461
Not my thing, but sounds interesting. Go for it.
Hey guys you should check out my blink tabs there really good if you need to learn some songs. Just checking if you wanted
Posts: 534
If you enjoy playing with your buddy I say go for it. I've found who I'm playing with matters almost as much as what I'm playing (within reason).

Shoot, if I'm playing music and having fun that's about all I can ask for!
Posts: 3146
Lol, who you talking to Nick? These posts are four years old! And Slamingerrr was kicked off BBT for being a total pain LMAO
Posts: 26
The ghosts of members past resurface?
Posts: 534
Lol, who you talking to Nick? These posts are four years old! And Slamingerrr was kicked off BBT for being a total pain LMAO

Myself, probably. Usually. Ug. Weekend. Maple. Ash. Alder. Whatever…
Posts: 3146
Posts: 270
Speaking to yourself gives you the answers you want to hear lol

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