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The Most Overrated Musicians In The Biz Today

Hmm Metallica. Do they count since they're from the 80s? Anyways James Hetfield has the most annoying voice ever and stays on one pitch. Sure their REAL early stuff like Garage Days was good but still
I completely agree. The Burton years were when they were on their A game.
Well, I'm Liking what I'm seeing on this trend. Keep 'em coming people!!!!!!
Posts: 1594
Also when they had Mustaine. Cliff and Dave were the only ones that didn't sound horrible. And that bass solo on Anesthesia from Kill Em All was crazy. Never heard anything like that. The tab looks easy but it's not as easy as you think
Posts: 3146
Lady Gaga, she's taking the piss out of her fans and they can't even see it, and she's not right in the head
Also when they had Mustaine. Cliff and Dave were the only ones that didn't sound horrible. And that bass solo on Anesthesia from Kill Em All was crazy. Never heard anything like that. The tab looks easy but it's not as easy as you think
Agreed I've tried it. Also The Call of Kutulu. Looks easy, but its a bitch
Posts: 285
Marilyn Manson! They sucked after Trent Reznor wanted nothing more to do with them.
Posts: 1594
Marilyn Manson! They sucked after Trent Reznor wanted nothing more to do with them.

Trent Reznor's a prick. Doubt you can name anything but The Beautiful People so you have no say. You rarely hear of him at all anymore because all the poser bands are taking the spotlight from the good shit like Manson and Slayer
Posts: 285
Yes I do have a say! Trent Reznor might possibly be a prick but he's a talented one. He's only crime is giving Manson a helping hand in the early days to inflict that tortured noise upon us all to this day
Posts: 1594
Yes I do have a say! Trent Reznor might possibly be a prick but he's a talented one. He's only crime is giving Manson a helping hand in the early days to inflict that tortured noise upon us all to this day

That doesn't make Manson overrated just because you don't like him. You bash too much
Posts: 285
I think Manson is overrated musically! I have listened before i have judged and i just don't like. If i bash it's because i think he deserves it.
I have no opinion of him as a person, he may well be a nice guy but to me his music sucks

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