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Could I put a long scale neck on my Fender Jag?

Posts: 1594
11 years ago
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I have a Tbird which is a long scale but I use my Jag as a backup. I've got used to the long scale and it sounds SO much better. Can I just put a Fender Jag 34" neck onto mine if that exists?
Posts: 3146
No, definitely not, the distance between the nut and twelfth fret is the same distance between the twelfth fret and the bridge saddles with a slight compensation for intonation. So, if you have a short scale Jag, the distance from the twelfth fret to the bridge is 15“, if you put a long scale neck on the distance from the nut to the twelfth fret will be 17” and you won't be able to tune the guitar
Posts: 3146
The other thing is, the scale length has no link to why the two basses sound different, the Thunderbird has two humbucking pickups with a vol and tone for each, it has a Mahogany body and neck and if I'm not mistaken, through body stringing. The Jag has two single coils, a vol for each and one tone, aBasswood body and Maple neck. You should buy the bass in my profile pic, I built it, it's long scale with a Fender Jazz style narrow neck, Ash body with through body stringing, two MusicMan Humbuckers and an Active pre amp and it's the only one in the world
Posts: 1594
I know that but the long scales have more of a punchy sound, not just because of the pickups
Posts: 3146
Fender make a long scale Jaguar, a bit more pricey than your VM Jag, but with your budget you could trade up

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