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Can anyone tab the new Sabbath classics?

Posts: 17
11 years ago
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Hey people,how are you'll doing?

At this point im not that good at recognizing bass notes.I really love Geezer's style of playing bass and would want to learn some of their new classics from their album 13.Could anyone please tab these songs:
Peace of mind

I would really be grateful.
Posts: 26
I'm just wondering… Doesn't a song have to be around for a long time in order to be considered a classic? Can there be such a thing as a new classic? It sounds funny to me, but then again Black Sabbath is at the top of the class in crafting classic heavy metal.
Posts: 3147
I'm just wondering… Doesn't a song have to be around for a long time in order to be considered a classic? Can there be such a thing as a new classic? It sounds funny to me, but then again Black Sabbath is at the top of the class in crafting classic heavy metal.
Yeah I was wondering about NEW classics
Posts: 1499
Getting back to the point of the post: anyone able to help Zaresht out with some tabs?
Posts: 1594
A classic is 25 years I'm pretty sure
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
I would but i have around 12 tabs to submit between today and next saturday so im full, cant, sorry, unless someone wants to help me with my list. Any takers?

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