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Personal preference of pickups?

Posts: 1594
11 years ago
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Just wondering what everyone's favorite pickups are. Mine are the humbuckers on the Tbird. For stock pickups, they sound pretty good however I'm looking to upgrade them sometime soon to get even more a growl. I mainly play metal and it adds a real nice punch in the music. For bands like Marilyn Manson (which is what all the bassists have played except Tim Skold) it sounds beautiful! And for Kings Of Leon. So yeah I guess I was a little influenced in buying the bass because of my heroes but I just loved the pickup style compared to the othes. They just look like they belong. What do you guys prefer?
Posts: 3147
I used to own a Stienberger copy made by Hohner, it was licensed by Stienberger and it wasn't cheap, it had EMG pick ups on it and they were fantastic, clear as crystal, and tweaking the tone knob didn't lessen the sound, I think I'll put them on my next hand made bass
I quite like EMG and Basslines but for a while I've really caught on to Wilkinson. Ive ordered several for bass and for guitars I've rebuilt and they perform amazingly from Rock to country and blues to rockabilly. They have a great hot signal for passive pickups and the tone is incredibly responsive when you fiddle with it. Unless I have a buyer request something specific these are my go to pickups.
I don't really have a brand I prefer, mainly because I've never done custom work on any of my basses, but split-coils are my favorite design. I really like the punchy mid-range sound.
Posts: 1594
I hate splits. I only like those on guitars. Humbuckers are the only thing I'm happy with unless it's a Dean with P/Js
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
AGREED humbuckers all the way though it would be nice to make a custom jazz fender bass with humbuckers an EQ switch just like the one an ibanez has and la bella chords with a custom painted pickup guard
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
AGREED humbuckers all the way though it would be nice to make a custom jazz fender bass with humbuckers an EQ switch just like the one an ibanez has and la bella chords with a custom painted pickup guard
Posts: 1499
Fender makes (or made) a split coil (humbucking) jazz bass style pickup (long skinny instead of soapbar). It is called the Super 55. It looks exactly like a jazz bass pickup but is actually two split coils side by side. No single coil hum, at least in theory. Anyone used this pickup?
Those Fender Super 55's are just about the same as the Wilkinson WBJB's and at just £67.98 for both neck and bridge, I was genuinely surprised at how they give the same quality and tone.

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