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Easier Maiden or other classic bands to help me with playing with fingers?

Posts: 1594
11 years ago
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So I just play speed metal, thrash, and I play it all with a pick because that's what most everyone uses for metal and it's too fast for me to do by hand right now. I tried learning Run To The Hills using fingers and I was exhausted in the first verse. I played it with a pick next time, had NO troubles whatsoever with fatigue. So I'm looking for some bands besides Maiden that aren't too fast but aren't slow that can help me get my fingering back up to speed. I played with fingers for about 2 weeks because I didn't have a pick and I was great,then I switched to picks and found it more comfortable for what I play. So I'm very rusty with fingers, EVERY BASSIST SHOULD BE ABLE TO. It's a basic foundation in bass to me. Any suggestions?
Posts: 189
You can use thumb + any 3 fingers, find what works for you. you don't have to just use 2 fingers.

I can't get along with picks,fingerstyle on guitar and bass is easier for me.

Posts: 3147
I wish I could play with a pick but can't, but I get along fine without it, if you're doing well with a pick why change. For Run to the Hills, put the song on then lay your hand on a table and tap along to the triplets using your ring, middle and fore fingers, now transfer this to the bass
Posts: 3147
I've actually found out what the Marilyn Manson Bass is that you asked about in another post, it's a Gibson Thunderbird, simple
Posts: 3147
Yes it's absolutely a Gibson Thunderbird IV in white, that was easy
Posts: 1594
No, it's a non-reverse Tbird. He also played a reverse Tbird. I figured that out awhile ago
Posts: 3147
No its a Gibson Thunderbird IV in White,go on Google images for Marilyn Manson Bass Player. Get a close up of him playing that bass, and notice the Gibson logo on the truss rod cover, then go onto Gibson.com and search for Thunderbird, there aren't any in white but you'll get the gist. Epiphone was once a major guitar producer but Gibson bought them out in the 1950s and now Epiphones are cheap far eastern versions of Gibsons classics
Posts: 1594
Since when have you seen a reverse Tbird with P/J pickups? It's non-reverse one. Plus, Twiggy plays guitar now and he was the only one in the band who's used it. I know he plays a reverse Tbird also. I'm asking about the one from Angel With The Scabbed Wings. The one from my profile picture, that's a non-reverse Tbird in white which he played in Get Your Gunn and Angel and probably a few more, the only white Tbirds anymore are Epi. Trust me, he played a non-reverse and a reverse in the same concert. His new bassist Fred Sablan only plays reverse Tbirds and Tim Skold, bassist from when Twiggy quit used Les Paul basses. Just fun facts for y'all
Posts: 1594
And some non-reverses have humbuckers however I've also seen them with p/js
Posts: 3147
Why would Gibson guitars use Fender pick ups? That's like Chevrolet using Honda engines! Anyway I don't care anymore, Gibson have never been able to build basses and the Thunderbird is no exception. Gibson built flat top acoustics and arch top jazz guitars, their first electric was the ES 150 from the 30s but hollow electric guitars suffered from screeching feedback. In the 40s three people were on the same route to eliminating feedback, Paul Bigsby, Les Paul and Leo Fender but only Fender was successful in marketing the all new solid body guitar, then in 1951 Leo invented the bass guitar. Gibson needed to get on the bandwagon, they had laughed at Les Paul five years previous but now they needed his services. Unfortunately the guitar they came up with looked like their old traditional arch top designs and was no match for the Telecaster. So Gibson had to think like Fender and in 57/58 they came up with the Flying V, Explorer, Firebird and Thunderbird but the designs were so wacky and ahead of their time that they never sold anything near the volume of Precisions, Telecasters and Stratocasters. The upside down shape of the Thunderbird meant it was badly out of balance on a strap so in 66 the Non-Reverse was introduced but it fared no better and was even uglier than it's predecessor. The closest Gibson have come to making a Fender Bass is the Grabber and Ripper from the 70s. You might be interested to know that Gibson are on the verge of re releasing the non reverse Thunderbird, so if you are going to form an ugly band like Marilyn Manson you can get yourself an ugly, pointless bass to go with it.
Posts: 1594
I just may have to buy more ugly basses then

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