0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

New Bass

Posts: 3146
11 years ago
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My second bass build has been on the drawing board for quite a while now, the body shape has been cut from ply to use as a router template, the mode of construction is set down and the timbers have been decided on. There are three things buzzing around my head which I'd like to run by you guys as Bass Players. Five, six and even seven string basses have meant that the goal posts have definitely shifted in terms of what a Bass Guitar is and my idea is just as radical. First, I've decided to have little or no fingerboard radius, which is fairly important on a guitar but not so for a bass, classical guitars and mandolins have no radius and they play okay. Second, I'm going for a 36" scale, as found on most six string basses, this is to increase sustain due to my third decision, which is B, E, A, D tuning, a four string with the attributes of a five but without the G string. I thought about it a lot, and I avoid the G string whenever I can, so why not sacrifice it altogether. I think it Pete Townshend who takes the high E string off his guitars, so I'm gonna take the plunge. Feedback please
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
if you build an extra ill buy it bro the idea sounds awesome
Posts: 3146
Definitely Danny, I'll build two

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