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Seems like a bit of an anti climax now after all the fuss but here it is. I acquired this Mahogany from a job, it's spent the last 30 years as a patio door in an up market house. It's solid, straight and without any shakes. I got enough for 3 bass necks but I could have got more. The first neck will be 34" scale with Jazz Bass proportions and 4 string. I'll be posting pics of the progress of the build.
Sweet! What type of wood is that body?
What type of wood are you going to use on the new build (body)?
That's Ash, the next one will be one and a half inch Mahogany with a quarter inch birds eye maple cap, the mahogany will have routed cavities to reduce weight
Pointy end on the headstock looks like there's a good chance that'll get snapped off eventually.
Here's another one of my projects, this guitar started its life as a Silver Sparkle Squier Jagmaster, lots of routing, headstock re-shaping and a complete hardware swap and paint job, it became a Fender Jazzmaster. Everything used was genuine Fender
nice paintjob! I really love that color!
That Jazzmaster looks sick
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