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Beware of African Scammers

Posts: 3146
11 years ago
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I had a message in my BBT inbox from an African scammer who obviously thought I was an easy touch, not so! Just be careful and keep on Rocking the Bottom End
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
please report the user either to me or johnny, or to [email protected]. we have a zero tolerance rule for any and all abuse here.
Posts: 3146
Hi Dude, the scammer went by the name CarolineJean, you can check my inbox for the full message. Mark
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Guys, hopefully you're all smart enough not to fall for these scams in case someone else tries it..

Anyway as a rule of thumb - nobody and I mean nobody will just give you money or anything just because they found you on the internet. If it looks too good to be true, it isn't true. Don't let these guys or greed fool you.

If need be, we'll buff up the security on the site and try to detect these kind of spam before it gets out of hand. First line of defense should always be common sense!

On behalf of me, thedude and kissyboy, sorry for everyone who got spam in their BBT inbox. It's been taken care of for now.
Posts: 1499
Thanks Johnny, Dude, Kissyboy. I didn't get the spam, but nice to see that you guys jumped on cleaning it up so fast. And thanks to Marko for posting and alerting us to the problem.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
congrats on your 500th post sid! and my 300th
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
and my 131st! oh my, what a day!

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