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Who's the biggest influence on your style and sound?

Posts: 1594
Bassguy, that does sound like something of Danzig's. Haha and my metal band was gonna be Blinded By Fear from the At The Gates song but some band that broke up after like 5 years already copyrighted it. My solo name is Pierced, and still deciding an indie name
i make my own style cross between john entwhistle and sid vicious
Posts: 17
My first influence was Duff Mckagan,I love his tone.And When it comes to style I love Nikki Sixx and Krist Novosellic's style.We do atleast 4 Nirvana songs during our jamming session
Im into metal now,the biggest influence for me is Cliff Burton,I have mastered his style and alot of Metallica's bass solos and songs.I just need an affordable pedal now,ive been using my friend's pedal.
Posts: 1594
Zaresht Buy Behringer pedals, that's what I use. I use bass compressor, bass overdrive, super metal (great for a guitar sound), and a synth pedal and then I also have a wah pedal by Vox. Got my wah for 50 and Behringer pedals are only 25. I would advise the super metal and wah for Metallica. And I love Nikki!!!! By the way, what setup you using?
Posts: 17
I use a Fender Precision bass and my old yamaha ga-15 guitar amp.And yes ive heard behringer pedals are awesome,ill get one when I go out of the country.Living in a country like Pakistan where bass has no value its really hard to find good bass amps,guitars and pedals.They're either too expensive or guitar shops dont have them coz they arent many bass players here.
Posts: 125
Jay Enriquez (There For Tomorrow)
Hunter Burgan (AFI)
Mike Dirnt (Green Day)
Bassguy, that does sound like something of Danzig's. Haha and my metal band was gonna be Blinded By Fear from the At The Gates song but some band that broke up after like 5 years already copyrighted it. My solo name is Pierced, and still deciding an indie name
Nice, Creative, cool, totally f***'in brutal. Rock on my brotha.
i make my own style cross between john entwhistle and sid vicious
Seems legit…..
Posts: 3147
John Entwhistle and Sid Vicious are to bass playing what Usain Bolt and Dr Steven Hawking are to the 100 metres sprint
Posts: 1594
John Entwhistle and Sid Vicious are to bass playing what Usain Bolt and Dr Steven Hawking are to the 100 metres sprint


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