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Scales to learn

Posts: 1594
11 years ago
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I've been playing for 5 months and have made great progress and have looked into a couple scales but found it boring. Well my metal band plays stuff like Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Exodus, stuff like that so mainly thrash. Learning those songs are really challenging for me and I think it'd be real beneficial for me to go through boringness of scales and learn new things. Any suggestions? And I know it takes forever to learn a scale, I don't expect to master a scale in 2 weeks
Posts: 189

Major scale
minor scale
Pentatonic in both major and minor.
Modal scales.

Is enough.

But lest not forget the infamous: Lydian sharp4-half-diminished-minor9-flat13#11 scale

A lot of those more obscure scales might be worth knowing? How often do you use then though is another thing.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Actually it doesn't take forever to learn a scale. You can learn it very quick. Mastering the usage of scales in improvisation, that takes a bit of time, but not forever

I love music theory and I'll write up something on scales soon (right now I'm a bit busy) in a beginner friendly fashion.
Posts: 1594
Thank you Johnny! You're very helpful!! And Purpelz, I'll look into it tojight. Thanks guys!
Posts: 3146
You should also check out Rock Patterns. Scales are essential and only take minutes to learn. The Major scale for instance, chords in Rock are built from this scale, once you understand major scales you can work out how chords are built. Im off to work now but I'll go into detail later
Major scaleminor scalePentatonic in both major and minor.Modal scales.Is enough.But lest not forget the infamous: Lydian sharp4-half-diminished-minor9-flat13#11 scale A lot of those more obscure scales might be worth knowing? How often do you use then though is another thing.
There are always double flats and double sharps too, but lets not get into that.

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