0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

5 days to a try out, stressing out!

Posts: 3147
Ok starting with the E string from open then fret by fret, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C, the A string follows the same pattern but starting from A and the same for D and G. As you move upwards notes become sharp but if you are moving downwards the same notes become flat, eg, C# is the same note as D flat. There are no sharps or flats between E and F and B and C. Triads are a popular way to follow the guitarist, Major chords are made from the Root note, third and fifth notes of the major scale, so that when the guitarist is playing a C chord for instance, you could play, C, E and G as Triads are the Root, third and fifth also, but you play the single notes rather than a chord. Triads can be a bit boring playing Root, 3, 5 so you can use inversions which are the same notes but played in a different order. Let's assume your band is playing a song and the chord progression is D, A and G, when the guitar is playing D you can play, D, F# and G#, when he plays the A chord you can play, A, C# and D# and finally the G chord you play, G, B and D. Get a Freind to strum these chords while you play a riff using these Triads. Now practise!
Posts: 1594
I know, I asked my choir teacher about it and I learned about half steps and full steps from him playing piano. Smart man, smart man. However thanks for all the info! I really appreciate it!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
How did the tryout go?
Posts: 1594
How did the tryout go?

Went pretty good! Thanks for asking
I was wondering how it went to. Hope it works out for yah

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