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New idea for this site !

Posts: 125
11 years ago
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How about we had notifications messages when somebody replies to your post in the forum ?
And also a “follow post” button to recieve notifications if somebody writes on a post that isn't yours.
Let me know what you guys think of that
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
i've been thinking about this for a while now. it isn't the easiest system to implement, but we'll look into it.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
definitely on our to do list
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I don't know if this is already the case because I've never requested a tab, but how about an automated email notification to a user when their tab request has been filled via the “request bass tabs” page?

Also, I'm curious as to why my browser (I use Opera) always shows “loading” on every page even after the page has been completely loaded. Or is that just my browser, and not the site?
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
Also, I'm curious as to why my browser (I use Opera) always shows “loading” on every page even after the page has been completely loaded. Or is that just my browser, and not the site?

you're doing this from a PC, right? not a phone? and on Windows, i'm guessing?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
We're already doing this. Whenever a request tab is fulfilled the person requesting it gets an email!

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