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Made It To The Top 10 Posters, YAY!!!!!!!!!!

5 string guy
Posts: 723
11 years ago
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It isn't the best accomplishment, but it is cool.
I feel ya man. I'm in the top ten submitters. Even though I have 34 tabs (not a lot), it still kinda makes me feel like a boss haha. I'm also happy because it makes me feel like I have an active role in this community. Congratulations to you. Cheers!
Posts: 3148
Haha, me too, didn't even know there was a top ten
Posts: 1594
Yeah click on the users link by forum
I feel ya man. I'm in the top ten submitters. Even though I have 34 tabs (not a lot), it still kinda makes me feel like a boss haha. I'm also happy because it makes me feel like I have an active role in this community. Congratulations to you. Cheers!
Thank you kindly Massacre.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
Just made it to top ten submitters myself. The air up here is noticeably different. Smells like…winning.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1024
Your tabs are great man! Enjoy the big bass tabs hall of fame
Just made it to top ten submitters myself. The air up here is noticeably different. Smells like…winning.
Lon, you sir just made my day.
Posts: 461
It isn't the best accomplishment, but it is cool.
Welcome fellow top tenner! Glad you made it
bass freak
Posts: 320
Great to be in the top 10 myself. Nice to be alongside some very well established names in here!
Slot #4 in the posters. Making progress.

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