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Tab robbed?

Posts: 100
11 years ago
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This really bugs me. I checked my email last night and noticed one from guitartabsexplore.com saying my submitted tab was posted. BBT is the only site I submit to, which leads me to believe that someone copied and pasted my tab to that website. I don't want my tabs anywhere but here, and I especially don't want other people acting like my tabs are theirs by posting them on other sites. Has this ever happened to any of you? What are you thoughts or comments about this?
Oh and the joke is on them because the tab that got submitted to Guitar Tabs Explorer isn't the correct version. I made an error or two and had to revise it, so they have an incorrect tab. Hehe >: ) I don't know, maybe I'm being a little sensitive, but my loyalty lies here on Big Bass Tabs, and I want my tabs here and here only.
Posts: 1499
The first times I saw my tabs posted on a site that I had not posted to, and with a different name claiming to have done the tabbing, I felt as you do, MelvinMassacre.

But the truth is, once you put the tab up on the internet, regardless of site, it has moved beyond your control. It will be appropriated by others and posted as their own work, or perhaps better, just added to a site because the person wants the song on their favorite tab site.

This is why I no longer even bother to put my name on my tabs.

So, get over it. Be glad that someone else likes the same song, and likes your tab (even if they don't give you credit for the work of figuring it out). Maybe it will help someone learn a song, maybe they'll get into the band and go buy the artist's music. That would be great.

Once you post, it is beyond your control.
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
i understand you, but i wouldn't worry too much about it. they can post everything we've got here, for all i care.

what separates this site from others is the growing community of friendly people who are very enthusiastic about tabbing and bass in general. having our tabs copied somewhere isn't going to slow us down or harm us in any way. this will still be the site people enjoy the most, not just for the tabs but also for the guys and gals that help expand it with their tabbing and forum discussions.

so don't worry about it, let them do their own thing if they want to. bigbasstabs knows you put in the work and we're very grateful for it.
Posts: 3146
So now you know how the bloke who wrote the bassline in the first place feels, just say to yourself, ‘Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’. I've been to other sites and they all seem a bit ‘Cliquey’ and there are a lot of arrogant egos, I've found nothing at all like this on BBT, everyone is so friendly, and don't forget, you find the best tabs on BBT, long May it prosper
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
This really bugs me. I checked my email last night and noticed one from guitartabsexplore.com saying my submitted tab was posted. BBT is the only site I submit to, which leads me to believe that someone copied and pasted my tab to that website. I don't want my tabs anywhere but here, and I especially don't want other people acting like my tabs are theirs by posting them on other sites. Has this ever happened to any of you? What are you thoughts or comments about this?

Melvin the same thing happened to me on trhat site with 5 bass tabs, as well as other tab sites it seems people dont have talent and prefer to steal other peoples work
Posts: 461
I feel for the real tabbers but sadly this tab copying goes on & I don't think there is any way you can stop it. If I was to copy a tab I would at least have the decency to credit thetabber for their work. I don't think all copy/paste tabbers are stealers in here but people who want to help build the site.
I don't think it was really necessary to tell me to get over it. I work hard on my tabs and I'm VERY passionate about The Birthday Massacre's music. So yeah, I find it a little off-putting that someone is taking credit for something I've done. Especially when it's blatantly obvious that it's my work.

On another note, thank you to those who have opened my eyes to see this situation in another perspective.
Posts: 1499
Sorry MelvinMassacre. I didn't mean to sound rude or disrespectful.

As I see it, we can post tabs or not.

If we don't post tabs, they will not be copied and pasted to other sites. But, then there wouldn't be any of your excellent Birthday Massacre tabs here.

If we do post tabs, they will be copied and pasted to other sites, sometimes giving the original tabber credit, sometimes not.

You post good, quality tabs. I hope you will continue to do so. But if you do, they will be copied and pasted elsewhere.
Posts: 1499
You could tell guitartabsexplore that you wrote the tab and don't want it on their site. Maybe they will remove it. That's what Johnny does here on BBT when someone complains about their tab showing up without their permission. Worth a try anyway.
Sorry MelvinMassacre. I didn't mean to sound rude or disrespectful.As I see it, we can post tabs or not.If we don't post tabs, they will not be copied and pasted to other sites. But, then there wouldn't be any of your excellent Birthday Massacre tabs here.If we do post tabs, they will be copied and pasted to other sites, sometimes giving the original tabber credit, sometimes not.You post good, quality tabs. I hope you will continue to do so. But if you do, they will be copied and pasted elsewhere.

Thank you for the apology. I gladly accept it All of this discussion about tab copy/pasting isn't going keep me from tabbing out songs. I love tabbing out songs, especially TBM songs and I'm going to continue to do what I love. I wish people would keep our hard work in mind when they decide to copy a tab, that's all. I'm just glad that I get to share my hard work with all of you first!!

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