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What's Your Favourite Synth Bassline

Posts: 3148
11 years ago
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A bassline is a bassline no matter which instrument it's played on, my fave is, Candy Staton ft Cold Cut, U Got The Love, its Lowwwwwwww!
Posts: 1594
Manson's keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy has awesome lines. Especially in This Is The New Shit. I never know what's bass or keys in that song. Now pedal effects, pretty sure Sweet Dreams and I Don't Like The Drugs have synth on the bass guitar.
I would say the intro bass/synth riff for Orion by Metallica. Not super hard, but it has a mysterious feel to it.
bass freak
Posts: 320
It changes all the time but at the moment I'm really enjoying The Model by Kraftwerk.
Posts: 1499
Hey bass freak, are you using my tab of The Model? I like the song also, great melody, and tabbed it because all the other tabs I looked at weren't good. If it needs any corrections, let me know. cheers.
bass freak
Posts: 320
Hey Sid I'm already on the case. I have a few free hours over the weekend & I've booked a date with your bass tab. I have no doubt in my mind that your version is better than any other on the net, I'm not even going to look elsewhere! When I'm done I shall rate it.
Posts: 256
That's a great song & bassline bass freak & Sid. I might have to have a look at that myself. I was wracking my brain trying to think of a song & came up with about 30!
Like BassGuy1 said. ORION intro by CLIFF for for sure. In case you forgot that shiz…
Posts: 125
Kids by MGMT
Really easy and repetitive but sounds awesome !
bass freak
Posts: 320
Hey bass freak, are you using my tab of The Model? I like the song also, great melody, and tabbed it because all the other tabs I looked at weren't good. If it needs any corrections, let me know. cheers.

Hey Sid, had fun today playing along to your tab, it's very good indeed in my humble opinion. 5 star rating!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
Oof. I'm almost embarrassed to say I'm drawing a complete blank on this one. I'll have to flip through my music folder/cd/vinyl collection and see if anything jumps out.

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