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Should i Make A YouTube channel for tutorials Bass Tabs and other Bass Guitar Stuff?

DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
11 years ago
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Should i Make A YouTube channel for tutorials Bass Tabs and other Bass Guitar Stuff?

So im letting you the BIG?BASSTAB community and any other visitor on the site write down your comment if i should make a youtube channel for any bass tab related request questions or comment.

So write down below if i should or not make a youtube channel and explain or give a detailed comment of why if yes or no

Ill upload the bass tabs and tutorials to the bigbasstabs page as well as if requested the youtube video as well.

Soon ill link my facebook and twitter to the account so ou can chat with me outside of youtube or the bigbasstabs for anything or anything bass related

Hope to hear from as many of you bass players or any one visiting the page as possible

Posts: 3148
Good idea
bass freak
Posts: 320
Yes you should Danny. The more help you can offer people the better. Seeing a tab on paper can sometimes be confusing. Watching someone explain a tab would be brilliant.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Please do this! You can also include videos in the tabs now.
You've got the backing of the staff, go for it!
Posts: 461
You get the thumbs up from me Danny! I look forward to seeing you become a big you tube star!
Posts: 256
This thread is gathering momentum with positive feedback for you Danny. Get that you tube smile going & teach us!
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
So far getting the love from you guys i already put up the channel its under DANNYBASSMAN93 no vids posted yet but that is due to me not having a webcam –____– but i will buy one this week and get started on the vids and thanks again for the support
I will keep an eye out for them.
bass freak
Posts: 320
Thanks for the update Danny, so looking forward to your channel. Believe me there is plenty of Love for you for doing this!
Posts: 461
I'm so looking forward to this Danny. There is huge amounts of Love towards you for doing this!

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