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What's your favorite band?

Posts: 100
11 years ago
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Mine probably goes without saying, The Birthday Massacre. I recommend you look them up. I have loved this band since I first heard them. I have had the privilege of meeting them twice, getting autographs, pictures with them, the whole deal; not to mention a kiss from Chibi *girl scream*. It's pretty obvious why I'm so passionate about their music (I think). They are incredible human beings… enough with my babbling, so what band makes you feel the way I do about TBM?
Posts: 1594
I gave them a chance, definitely not my kind of music but whatever you like. Mine would have to be Marilyn Manson. That man is someone who is never going to sellout or give into the man. He's my idol, I follow everything he does. Hahahah he's aggressive, sexy, I guess shocking, and amazing. Glad Twiggy is back
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
You may as well be asking me what my favorite vital organ is. There are way too many bands I can't do without to be able to narrow it down to a single, all-time favorite. Hell, I'd have a tough time narrowing it down to a top twenty!
Posts: 63
Cream. Live and improvised, part of musical genesis. No two shows played the same and louder than common sense would tell you. The influences still are felt today.
bass freak
Posts: 320
Joy Division! Late 70's sombre beauty that stood out miles above anything else!!!
Posts: 3147
You may as well be asking me what my favorite vital organ is. There are way too many bands I can't do without to be able to narrow it down to a single, all-time favorite. Hell, I'd have a tough time narrowing it down to a top twenty!
You may as well be asking me what my favorite vital organ is. There are way too many bands I can't do without to be able to narrow it down to a single, all-time favorite. Hell, I'd have a tough time narrowing it down to a top twenty!
Thanks for that Lon, I was looking for a way to answer the question when you hit the nail on the head, its impossible to pick out one single band
Posts: 461
Easy for me to answer - SOFT CELL. I just understood what Marc Almond was saying in those songs, so it became very personal to me.
Too many bands that I really admire to answer this. Thankfully I'm not the only one that would struggle to narrow down my likes. I admire all of you that have that one band/artist that does it for you!
Well, I listen to many rock bands such as The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin and others but I think Pink Floyd it's my favorite one
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
If I'd have to pick just one, I'd say Mr. Big
Posts: 256
I like loads but for me it's Icehouse!

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