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Getting used to new strings?

Posts: 189
11 years ago
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I am currently trying flatwounds, they felt very weird at first.

And the E string felt clacky against the frets, but not in a needing a setup nature,just in what I presume is the way of these strings?

How long does it take you until you get used to new strings?
Posts: 3148
When you fitted them did you stretch them? Tune each string then take hold of it at the 12th fret and pull it away from the fingerboard, thus stretching it, then tune it again and repeat until tuning it for the last time
Posts: 189
When you fitted them did you stretch them? Tune each string then take hold of it at the 12th fret and pull it away from the fingerboard, thus stretching it, then tune it again and repeat until tuning it for the last time

Thx will try that.

They are only slightly thicker than the old ones but it tired my arm and hand out playing them! not used to the gauge I suppose?
Posts: 1499
How do you like the new strings now?
Posts: 1594
The only thing I hate about new strings is the bright tone
Posts: 189
How do you like the new strings now?

I really like the total lack of string squeaks!
the lack of string ‘resistance’ compared to roundwounds took some getting used to though.

Overall yes I like flatwounds.
Posts: 1499
I like not-roundwound strings for the same reason: not so much string squeak. I use a D'Addario Halfround string (the ENR series) - in between a flatwound and roundwound. But I also have nylon tapewound on a jazz bass - and I like them very much also. No squeak, easy to slide, and full, warm, upright bass sound. Not bright at all, so not for everyone!
I like not-roundwound strings for the same reason: not so much string squeak. I use a D'Addario Halfround string (the ENR series) - in between a flatwound and roundwound. But I also have nylon tapewound on a jazz bass - and I like them very much also. No squeak, easy to slide, and full, warm, upright bass sound. Not bright at all, so not for everyone!
I need to get some flat wounds for one of my basses. Anyone know it they make sets for a 5 string? A .140 for the low B would be fantastic.
Posts: 1499
I am sure there are sets of flatwounds for a 5 string. I have the ENR71-5 set on my Ibanez 555, for example.

Who makes the strings you prefer? Start with their web site and look at what they have to offer.

There is also a site called JustStrings.com - you can see many offerings from many companies there and discuss what you are looking for with them. Might take a day or so for a reply, but they have a reputation for knowing strings and being able to help you find a string set that gives the sound you want.
I like Ernie Ball and GHS for rock and metal. And Dean Markley's for jazz.

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