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Friends site

Posts: 30
11 years ago
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My mate is starting this site up if any one wants to check it out.

Its GP5 tabs with at least a bassline in every tab, some gp6 and Power tabs, Ive gave him my Cars, Chisel and some other tabs i have done.

some have drums some are full tabs.

DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
hey mickbass if you need help filling his bass tabs library i would be willin to share some of my library of bass tabs to the site
Posts: 30
that would be awesome his email is
[email protected]

forgot to put link to site
Posts: 3147
It's about time, I have a hard time finding GP5 tabs
Posts: 461
Always worth looking into another site.
Posts: 285
Marko1960 said “It's about time, I have a hard time finding GP5 tabs”

Now you won't have such a hard time

Posts: 3147
Marko1960 said “It's about time, I have a hard time finding GP5 tabs”Now you won't have such a hard time
If you just click on Quote on my link you won't have to keep writing ‘Marko 1960 said’
Posts: 285
I know how to click quote on here but when i'm at work it doesn't work for some reason so i have to get creative. Still ends up doing the same job
Posts: 285
Quote: Marko1960 said “It's about time, I have a hard time finding GP5 tabs”Now you won't have such a hard time If you just click on Quote on my link you won't have to keep writing ‘Marko 1960 said’

See i'm at home now i can quote!
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
I know how to click quote on here but when i'm at work it doesn't work for some reason so i have to get creative. Still ends up doing the same job
what do you mean it doesn't work? nothing happens to the textbox where you write your reply? you're trying this on windows? can you tell me which browser you're using at work?

this shouldn't be happening, i need to fix it. but i kinda need more info.

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