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Posts: 3147
11 years ago
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Should I just admit defeat and accept the fact that I'm never gonna nail Geddy Lees masterpiece?
Posts: 1594
Give it another 2,000 years and you'll be right next to Geddy.
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
I can play it off course it took me awhile but maybe just maybe i can post a tutorial video for it once i get my channel and room ready for the vids
Posts: 1499
I play so poorly that I don't even dare try it! So good on you Marko for giving it a go. I'll bet you are learning even if not able to play it as you would like.
Posts: 3147
Thanks Danny but I don't think a vid would help, I know what's required and where the notes are but my fingers just don't wanna know. The triplets are so fast that the middle note is hard to nail, wether I try picking it, hammer attacking it or pulling off, the crazy thing is, in my band we do ‘Orpheus’ by Ash that has a crazy fast four 32nd note run which I can play. Sid, we should just stick to U2 covers lol
Posts: 1499
Aye! U2's With or Without You is something I can manage! I even tabbed it! Mum was very proud!
Posts: 30
If its in gp5 you could slow it down and play along
Posts: 1594
If its in gp5 you could slow it down and play along

Is that cheating? Hahaha I mean technically yeah but not for anyone who isn't Geddy Lee
Posts: 48
There's a youtuber “tjh3113” who does some of the best, if not THE best, Geddy Lee covers around. He does a tutorial video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWttEbE2KTU

But ya, those triplets are hard to nail
Should I just admit defeat and accept the fact that I'm never gonna nail Geddy Lees masterpiece?
Never accept defeat Marko. If you do that, the song wins. I'm trying to do the same song, it's tough I will admit, but it can be done. I do Dream Theater on the side, and we all know how much of a monster John Myung is.

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