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Bass method books?

Posts: 189
11 years ago
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Do you use any books? I have a couple, bass for dummies and another I forget the name of.

I've learned the major/minor/modal scales shapes and the pentatonic 5 shapes up the neck. apart from the pentatonics the other scales don't make me feel very musical..?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Method books would probably be a lot of help but I've always been to lazy to study them. I'm self-taught and learned by ear. Probably would be twice as good as I am now if I'd ever taken the time to actually study this stuff.
Posts: 3148
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and it doesn't hurt to know your scales, so without realising it your books have been a great help
Posts: 58
I've got a couple. First is “Bass Guitar Scale Manual”, edited by Harvey Vinson, published by Music Sales Corporation, and distributed by Hal Leonard. Second is “The Bass Style Resource” by Dave Overthrow, published and distributed by Alfred Music Publishing.
Posts: 270
When I first started playing I tried using books but I never had the patience to work through them. Self learning & advice from friends got me through.
Posts: 189
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and it doesn't hurt to know your scales, so without realising it your books have been a great help

good point..

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