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Of course, I will try to help with tab requests - that's what this site and community is all about - but I am nowhere near the musician Danny (or LoudLon) is, and I will not be able to fill the void of Danny's absence.
And I have my own list of songs I'd like to learn.
The best strategy, really, if someone wants to figure out a song's bassline, is for that person to learn to tab. If you have the ear to tell when the note you're playing is right or wrong, you can tab. I am sure of it. If I can, you can!
No pressure then Sid
Sid doesn't know pressure, he thrives on it!
Sid, you flatter me. I mean, yeah, I'm good – no sense being modest about it – but I'm not DANNY-good. And like you I have my own selection of stuff I want to tab.
That said, I'll help with the requests,
if it's something that interests me. But that's a loaded comment, because there's not a lot of stuff on the request list which does. Sorry, and no offense to the person who requested them, but when it comes down to filling a request for Five Finger Death Punch versus creating my own tab for “Big Train” by Mike Watt, Big Train's gonna win ten times out of ten.
Agreed, LoudLon. If I don't like a song, or sometimes even the video the artist tied to the song, I don't tab it. Too many good (IMO) songs I still want to tab.
Linkinpark can do the 5 Finger DP style tabs

And you are good, at playing (pretty sure of that though I haven't heard you) and tabbing. Cheers.
Hey guys im not leaving the site till May so ill be here till then btw im still posting tabs but not taking requests i have o catch up with requests sent to me this year

oh ok good your staying
that's great news danny!
but prepare to be abused like never before, now that we know that you have an expiration date on this site
Danny, I really hate it that you're leaving, but I completely understand, and I fully support you in your decision. You have had a HUGE impact on this site, and you are respected greatly by us all. I want to thank you for supporting me, and everyone else here. Thank you, also, for all of the tabs you've submitted. Your name will definitely not be forgotten here! I hope that eventually you'll decide to come back, and hang with all the cool kids once more.
Until then, I wish you the very best of luck, and have fun!! You will be missed, my friend.
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