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I woke up to this the other day

5 string guy
Posts: 723
11 years ago
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So, Saturday I had a scholarship audition at Sheridan college in Sheridan Wyoming. I woke up to read this on my iPod. “Supporting is what a girlfriend should do and you know I'm always here. You will do great tomorrow, I know you will!!! You made it this far on you and your friends and family, now you have one person more to further push and support you in doing your best. You are auditioning for something you love. It will be a piece of cake. Do great sweetheart. I have faith in you.”
Waking up to that made my day.
Posts: 58
Sounds like she's a keeper!!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
That's awesome, man. My last girlfriend used to do stuff like that for me. I'd come home from work to find a note on my door, “Come over tonight, love you,” or she'd leave little hand-written notes around, “to the most amazing man I've ever known,” stuff like that. I ate that shit up.

Of course I eventually learned she'd been cheating on me for a year and a half, but that's beside the point.
Yeah. It was a good way to start my day. Gave me the boost I needed to get through the audition. Lon, bitches man.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Posts: 285
You are a lucky dude Bassguy1
You are a lucky dude Bassguy1
I just happened to be in the right place when she needed somebody. Hell, I'm just glad we got to be friends for a long time before we started dating. Crazy what 5 years of friendship can turn into. So, I guess you are right Mayhem, I am a “lucky dude.”
You are a lucky dude Bassguy1
Sad to say my luck ran out. Don't what I said or did, but she left. Tried to stay friends with her, but she pushed me over the edge when she told my mom I was an immature asshole over a text. I can deal with all the names when you say it to me or or your friends, but the moment you drag my family into it, you better get ready to have your world burned to the ground. There's nothing lower than a person trying to get her ex's family to turn on him. That's just down right pathetic.
Posts: 3146
Someone needs a hug!
Someone needs a hug!
Group hugs are amazing. Especially with other people. But, I will be Ok. It just pisses me off that she has the gall to do that to my mother. It put my mom in tears. It's just stupid.

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