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Painting My Tbird

Posts: 1594
11 years ago
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So I want to paint my Tbird white so badly. Do all I have to do is rip out all the electronics, sand it, and paint it?
Posts: 3148
Dont do it, have it done professionally, you will knock $$$$$ off its value with a half arsed paint job
Posts: 285
If you think you can do it linkin, go for it
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
Dont do it, have it done professionally, you will knock $$$$$ off its value with a half arsed paint job
If you think you can do it linkin, go for it
well that's conflicting advice.

i got nothing to break the tie though.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
Unless you are intimately familiar with and fully capable of re-installing the electrical components, I'd advise against that. Do whatever you want to the exterior (if you don't care about its resale value) but don't monkey with the electronics yourself unless you absolutely know what you're doing.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1024
I agree with LoudLon. Get a pro to help you out with the electronics.
Posts: 58
Seconding what Lon and Johnny said. Over time, the insulation on the wires can become brittle, and removing the harnesses can create all sorts of problems. Hell, even missing one ground when hooking it all back up can cause some really difficult to pinpoint faults.

-Your friendly Ford certified technician
Posts: 461
If it was my bass I personally wouldn't mess around with it.
I agree with Lon, Marko, and Strathdam, have it done professionally. Better to pay to have it done right and look amazing, than DIY and have it look good, but not sound right. I always make the 150 mile trip to Guitar Center in Salt Lake City, Utah to have mine worked on at least once every 4 to 5 months. I drive a ‘94 Geo Metro, so gas isn’t a problem because the car gets 52mpg.
Posts: 1499
Save up and go buy an Epiphone Thunderbird Classic IV in alpine white.
Save up and go buy an Epiphone Thunderbird Classic IV in alpine white.

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