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Modern country bass tabs

Posts: 440
11 years ago
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Why is there hardly any country music tabs out there? There are tabs for every genre of music but country. I can even get a tab for Mama Cass's ham sang. I'm not talking old country and playing root fifth all night. The new stuff. Zac Brown, Billy Currington, Luke Bryan, Blake Shelton, etc.
I think the reason for the lack of modern Country bass tabs is that Not very many tabbers out there care enough to do it. I think there should be a wide verity of tabs for all kinds of music so all bassists and guitarists alike can be satisfied, but I have been called an irrational dreamer more than once. A dream is still a dream I guess
Posts: 1499
You should consider trying to remedy that situation, cheekychuck. We need more people who play and tab country songs.

I started tabbing because I could not find tabs (or correct tabs) of songs I wanted to learn, and because I have to write the songs down now or I can't remember them when I come back to play them later.

If you want to tab country songs, I can tell you what works for me - how I tab songs.
You should consider trying to remedy that situation, cheekychuck. We need more people who play and tab country songs.I started tabbing because I could not find tabs (or correct tabs) of songs I wanted to learn, and because I have to write the songs down now or I can't remember them when I come back to play them later.If you want to tab country songs, I can tell you what works for me - how I tab songs.
Expand the tab verity… Expand it!!!!
Posts: 440
How accurate do tabs need to be. Guess I should brush up my tab making skills. Right now they are coles notes for tabs. Only I can read them.
Posts: 1499
As accurate as you want them to be - most tabs are not completely accurate. Personally, I think the more accurate the better. But really, for someone trying to learn a song, anything with the correct notes is going to be a lot of help.

Some tabs try to convey both the notes played and the timing (like LoudLon's and mine); other tabs are strings of notes played and you figure out the timing by playing along to the recording. Both are fine. The former, which is more like a tab version of sheet music, is a lot harder to make.

If you are thinking about making tabs, have a look at some here, maybe especially the 4 and 5 star tabs (for example Dannybassman's) for ideas about how to format a tab.

You can probably get a template for a tab from LoudLon, and I can give you one as well, if you want.

The bottom line is that a tab shows which fret on which string to play first, then next, then next… That's it.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1024
If there's no tab for a song, then even semi-accurate is better than nothing I think. At least it might give someone some ideas to improve it later on.
Posts: 36
Im with you Cheeky. I have not figured out how to tab. I have tried and and search “how to” tab. I haven't been playing very long so I don't always recognize the notes especially when its dropped tuning. So I hunt and peck…

I tried the easy ones like “Drink a Beer” Luke Bryan by getting the root chords for guitar and figured out what works and sounds close. If I can learn how to tab It would be country… which is probably why I don't always get a response when I ask for help
Posts: 440
Well, submitted first tab. Zac Brown's Chicken Fried. Don't laugh. lol
Posts: 624
i agree with Bassguy 1.
apparently there are no country tabs because of the key change too much or something like that.
but my original origins into music was country in the very beginning and i have looked for a couple bass tabs for me so i can play with my grandmother who is a country guitar player and there is none and the only thing i can thing of is people don't care about the genre.
DANNYBASSMAN93 for sure would have something. just give him a message and i am sure he can create something
Posts: 624
your not an irrational dreamer Bassguy1. your right. music is music Country, Rock whatever i think there should be a variety of tabs out there.

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