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Do You Believe In Shame Query.

Posts: 279
11 years ago
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I was checking out Sid's recent submission for Duran Durans's Do You Believe In Shame. When I click on it, the tab opens up a submission by Duran Duran Fan. I did a song search & there are 2 tabs for the song to look at but both show the same tab.
Posts: 461
Oh good, not just me then. I have had the same problem.
Posts: 1499
I'm sure Johnny will get this straightened out shortly.

In the meantime, I'll post the tab in the Duran Duran thread.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1024
oh damn, I'll fix this.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1024
Checked it & it sure is fixed!
Posts: 461
Glad it's fixed. I can now check out Sid's version.

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