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My tab -- Styx, Too Much Time on My Hands correction

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
11 years ago
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I noticed it had lost its five-star rating so I took another look and saw where where my mistake was – I had the opening bar repeating too many times. Pretty obvious mistake, not sure how I missed it – but on the same token, I'm not sure it's worth losing an entire star over. So a bar gets repeated a couple times too many; at least all the notes were right! LOL

At any rate, thanks for drawing my attention to it. It's fixed now.
It does seem petty that you would lose a star over something so minor. Obviously Styx fans are a tough crowd to please!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
Eh, no biggie. Nothing hurt but my ego.
Posts: 461
LOL, oh Lon always looking on the bright side! Good for you. I'm sure your ego will be repaired soon enough
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
It took me a while to get to the point where I could. First I spent an hour in denial, cursing and raving at my monitor. Then the realization that I'm imperfect set in, followed quickly by depression. I sat fully clothed and hugging my knees in the shower, rocking back and forth and cursing God's Holy Name for allowing such a travesty to occur. After about ten minutes of that, I got a hankering for a Camel Light and a Mountain Dew and then forgot all about it – that is, until you just mentioned it and made me remember it again in front of everybody. Thanks for nothing, man!
Posts: 461
That's Duran Duran Fan for you putting his foot in it yet again! Poor Lon! Oh the cruelty of tabbing!
Posts: 285
Hey DDF what have you done? Can't you see Lon is in pain

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