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Forum/Site Etiquette?

Posts: 1103
11 years ago
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Hello, I'm curious to know what's the proper etiquette around here for requesting tabs?

I try to learn songs on my own (by ear, or through reading guitar tabs and sheet music and putting it together the best I can), but there's quite a few songs that I struggle with. My ear isn't really that good.

So is there an unwritten (or possibly written) rule about requesting tabs based on… activity, submitted tabs, shoe size? In other words, is it expected that one gives in order to receive?

I've never tried to tab a song for anyone else, so I'd be a little concerned with my abilities to put something together and then tell someone, “here you go. Good to go,” and then the song be completely wrong. But I'm willing to try.

But is it acceptable to request tabs, even though you may never be able to provide a decent tab in return?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
I can't speak for anyone else but I don't see this as give-and-take. It's not like torrenting where you have to maintain some kind of sharing ratio. If you're only here to ask for tabs, do so. If you have a tab you want to submit, do so. There's no rule saying you have to do both.
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Completely agree with Lon 500% its not about giving to receive you just ask if you need and we'll help out the best that we can. Now on the topic of submitting tabs you can do so if you please no one here is going to tell you not to do so. Also feel free to check out the forums.

We're all friends here. Some of us prefer to tab, while others prefer to talk. Some do an equal amount of both. If you don't feel comfortable tabbing, then don't worry; it's okay. We all have our own motives and reasons for joining this site. You're not going to be banned or whatever for not submitting any tabs. Don't fret too much about maintaining a “proper” tab to forum post ratio. It doesn't matter to us here in the BBT community. We are here to help each other out, not to judge others on their tabbing abilities. Cheers!
Posts: 1103
Good stuff. Thanks everyone!
Good stuff. Thanks everyone!
Yep :, just have and enjoy yourself Mark. You can do no wrong in that aspect.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1024
Yeah it's pretty much as everyone describes.

I do recommend that users perform a few searches before requesting. The requesting feature does that for you as well, but cannot find the song if someone is typing the artist or song name with a typo
Posts: 1103
Yeah it's pretty much as everyone describes.I do recommend that users perform a few searches before requesting. The requesting feature does that for you as well, but cannot find the song if someone is typing the artist or song name with a typo

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